Monday, September 17, 2007

20 points that no DPS hunter can live without

OK, first off, this is only my opinion. NO I'm not going to give you a point by point breakdown on how these talents will affect you in situation x with gear y and against mob z. And just because I don't start every sentence off with "It's my opinion that....." just assume that it's there.

There are 3 talents in the marksman tree that are so good that no hunter DPS build should be without. Those three are Lethal Shots, Go for the Throat and Mortal Shots.
With 5/5 in Lethal shots you get 5% increase in critical strike chance with ranged weapons. That's a big increase and the only other talent that compares is Killer Instinct in the Survival tree, which requires 20 points in Survival to unlock and is only a 3 point talent. 5% more crits is essentially 5% more DPS by itself, and that not counting the bonus damage from Mortal Shots, but more on that later.
Go for the Throat is all for your pet, with 2/2 it gives your pet 50 focus every time you crit, and remember, you have that 5% increase in crits from Lethal shots, so your pet can pump out more DPS. This is of course assuming that your pet has either claw, gore, or scorpid poison to dump all that focus into. If your pet doesn't have one of these three, all that focus will probably go to waste.
And last but not least, Mortal Shots. This one increases you crit damage by 30% with 5/5.
Here's a bit of an example of the value of these talents. I'm just making up the numbers for damage as I go. Hunter A doesn't have any of these talents, he has 20% crit rating. He goes out, and over time, 1 in 5 shots crits for 1000 damage. Now that same hunter respecs and gets these three talents. goes back out and this time, 1 in 4 shots crit for 1300 AND his cat/ravager/scorpid/rapter/boar is launching claw/gore/scorpid poison attacks like crazy. Now lets look at the math. In 100 shots without these talents, our hunter gets 80 normal attacks for 500 damage each, 20 crits for 1000 damage each and his pet gets nothing extra. For a total of 60000 damage. With the talents he'll get 75 normal at 500, 25 crit at 1300, and his pet will have 1250 extra focus to DPS with. Total, without pet damage: 70000 damage. An increase of 16.7% in the hunters DPS. And i'm not going to bother with the increase in pet DPS because that would change depending on what pet you have.

What you use the other 7 (you have to get Aimed Shot to open up Mortal shots) is your option, there are a few good talents there that can help you depending on what you want/need.

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