Friday, December 14, 2007

Ding!!!! Welcome to the Outland

I know, I haven’t posted in a very long time. I’ve been busy. What have I been being? Leveling my new Shaman. Yup, he was idle for a while, but for the last few weeks, I’ve been concentrating on him unless I’m raiding.
The problem is that with Erwinor, I’ve basically capped him out as far as I can short of heroic badge gear and raiding. I’m exalted with all the factions that I truly care to be exalted with, I have all my heroic keys, 375 leatherworking and engineering, I’ve crafted my epic goggles and Ebon Netherscale set. Given, I’m not exalted with Honor hold, Cenaurian Expedition, and Keepers of Time. I really don’t see that the payoffs are worth the effort.
So I decided to grab one of my alts, dust him off, and get him up to 70 and endgame. Why a Shammy? Well, after a pug run in Shadow Labyrinth when I was a wee little just turned 70 and still wearing almost all quest greens hunter. I got invited to the run by another hunter that I teamed up with in Shadowmoon Valley earlier that day. The group was a Warrior tanking, me and the other hunter, and two Shaman, one elemental, one resto. It was my first exposure to a Shaman at level 70.
All I have to say was that I was impressed. First thing I noticed, before the first pull, was a new buff I’d never seen before. Grace of Air. Hmm, what’s that?
77 agility!?!?!?!?! All from one buff!!!!!!!!!! I was taken right there. That one totem was my definition of true Hunter Love. Already I was excited about this run. And it turns out that that was one of the best SL runs I’ve been on, given it took 2 attempts at Grandmaster Vorpil and that was the only problem we had. No loot worth talking about. But I was hooked.
Made a Shammy that night. He got a bit dusty while Erwinor was grinding rep, raiding, etc. but lately I’ve been running out things to do. Then with patch 2.3 and the experience adjustments, I decided that it was time for me to bring up an alt. Erwinor’s dailies would be more than enough to support him, so I wouldn’t have to worry about making money for my mount training, hitting the AH to upgrade his gear every 5-10 levels, etc.
And so now here we are. Everyone, meet Tancameron, Tancameron, meet everyone.
He’s currently specced Enhance, but by the time he hits 70, or maybe once he hits 70, I’m respeccing him to Resto. I haven’t decided when I’m going to switch. I figure my options with him are
1: Respec right now.
2: Stay Enhance until I get in a group that needs a healer and then respec.
3: Wait till 70 and then respec.
#1 will mean I’ll have a longer time questing on my own but I’ll be ready for an instance. And I figure I’ll be looking to get into them as soon as possible to help me gear up.
#2 is almost like #1 but I won’t be as used to the spec when I first get into an instance.
And #3 means that I’m less likely to get into an instance, but I’ll be much faster in my questing.
Well, that's for another blog.

The Totem Dropper