Friday, December 14, 2007

Ding!!!! Welcome to the Outland

I know, I haven’t posted in a very long time. I’ve been busy. What have I been being? Leveling my new Shaman. Yup, he was idle for a while, but for the last few weeks, I’ve been concentrating on him unless I’m raiding.
The problem is that with Erwinor, I’ve basically capped him out as far as I can short of heroic badge gear and raiding. I’m exalted with all the factions that I truly care to be exalted with, I have all my heroic keys, 375 leatherworking and engineering, I’ve crafted my epic goggles and Ebon Netherscale set. Given, I’m not exalted with Honor hold, Cenaurian Expedition, and Keepers of Time. I really don’t see that the payoffs are worth the effort.
So I decided to grab one of my alts, dust him off, and get him up to 70 and endgame. Why a Shammy? Well, after a pug run in Shadow Labyrinth when I was a wee little just turned 70 and still wearing almost all quest greens hunter. I got invited to the run by another hunter that I teamed up with in Shadowmoon Valley earlier that day. The group was a Warrior tanking, me and the other hunter, and two Shaman, one elemental, one resto. It was my first exposure to a Shaman at level 70.
All I have to say was that I was impressed. First thing I noticed, before the first pull, was a new buff I’d never seen before. Grace of Air. Hmm, what’s that?
77 agility!?!?!?!?! All from one buff!!!!!!!!!! I was taken right there. That one totem was my definition of true Hunter Love. Already I was excited about this run. And it turns out that that was one of the best SL runs I’ve been on, given it took 2 attempts at Grandmaster Vorpil and that was the only problem we had. No loot worth talking about. But I was hooked.
Made a Shammy that night. He got a bit dusty while Erwinor was grinding rep, raiding, etc. but lately I’ve been running out things to do. Then with patch 2.3 and the experience adjustments, I decided that it was time for me to bring up an alt. Erwinor’s dailies would be more than enough to support him, so I wouldn’t have to worry about making money for my mount training, hitting the AH to upgrade his gear every 5-10 levels, etc.
And so now here we are. Everyone, meet Tancameron, Tancameron, meet everyone.
He’s currently specced Enhance, but by the time he hits 70, or maybe once he hits 70, I’m respeccing him to Resto. I haven’t decided when I’m going to switch. I figure my options with him are
1: Respec right now.
2: Stay Enhance until I get in a group that needs a healer and then respec.
3: Wait till 70 and then respec.
#1 will mean I’ll have a longer time questing on my own but I’ll be ready for an instance. And I figure I’ll be looking to get into them as soon as possible to help me gear up.
#2 is almost like #1 but I won’t be as used to the spec when I first get into an instance.
And #3 means that I’m less likely to get into an instance, but I’ll be much faster in my questing.
Well, that's for another blog.

The Totem Dropper

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Quartz Addon

If I could only choose one addon, Quartz would be the one I would pick. On the surface, it’s a timer addon. But once you set it up, I can give you a wealth of information. For a hunter, it’s possibly the best performance enhancer you can find.

You get it at WowAce.

First off, it’s a cast bar. In addition to the normal cast bar, it also includes a Auto Shot/Auto Attack (for the lesser classes) cast bar. For a hunter and their shot rotation, these two combined can be a great asset in developing and maintaining a shot rotation. I’ve spent quite a bit of time visiting Dr. Boom and literally staring at the combined cast bars timing my shots and ensuring that I’m not clipping, maximizing my DPS, etc. When I first switched to a Survival spec, this addon is what led me find out that using Arcane and Multi as soon as they were up was actually hurting my DPS, because I was able to watch both my Steady and Auto Shot timers and compare them. Basically the global cooldown was pushing the third Steady in my Auto-Steady-Multi-Auto-Steady-Arcane-Auto-Steady rotation back far enough that it was clipping the next Auto. Without Quartz, I probably would have never known. But enough about that, even though it is a big deal to hunters, the lesser classes are probably getting bored so we can talk shop later. :D

The next thing that Quartz does is what sets it into my list of MUST HAVE addons, is the debuff timers. Not only will they track your debuffs (and only yours, so you don’t have to look through a huge list to find yours) on your target, but it also does the same for your focus target (am I the only one thinking about chain trapping?) With Quartz, and a single glance, I can tell how long my hunters mark, scorpid sting have left on my main target, but also how long my focus is going to remain an ice cube. As a BM hunter this info is a great help in determining what your next move is while chain trapping. And for any class that can be called upon to do CC, or for that matter any class that will be responsible for keeping a debuff up, this can help out.

And just so you know, type “/quartz” to get to the configure menu.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Group Buffs

Each of the three talent trees for hunters have a group buff. For Beast Mastery, it’s Ferocious Inspiration. For Marksman, it’s Trueshot Aura. And for Survival, it’s Expose Weakness.

Ferocious Inspiration: Requires 30 points in Beast Mastery Talents
Tooltip at 3/3: When you pet scores a critical hit, all party members have all damage increased by 3% for 10 sec.

OK, lets look at that, first, your pet has to crit, which means that you want your pet to attack as often as possible. This can be achieved with the pet talent Cobra Reflexes, the BM Serpents Swiftness, having a pet with a focus dump attack (claw, gore, lightning breath) and feeding it focus through the BM talent Bestial Discipline and the MM talent Go for the Throat. You can also increase you pet’s crit rate with the BM talent Ferocity. Next, what does you and your group get? A 3% increase to all party members’ damage for 10 seconds after each of your pet crits. This is the only group buff that helps caster types, as it buffs ALL damage. And so to get the most benefit from FI, you could be in a group of casters.
5-mans: Since FI affects all damage, it is very effective in a 5-man, about the only person it won’t help is the healer.
Raids: For this buff to be effective, the BM hunter needs to be grouped with the heavy hitters, basically the top 5 people on the damage meter (one of which is the BM hunter :p)

Expose Weakness: Requires 5 points in Lightning Reflexes, Requires 30 points in Survival Talents
Tooltip at 3/3: Your ranged criticals have a 100% chance to apply an expose weakness effect to the target. Expose Weakness increases the attack power of all attackers against that target by 25% of your Agility for 7 sec.

OK, so what do you need? One crit every 7 seconds, so if you are using a decent shot rotation, you should be pumping out 5-7 shots every 7 seconds, so you really don’t need that high of a crit % to keep it up. But just to be on the safe side, and hitting those crit-strings is so much fun, let’s get all the crit we can. The Survival talent Killer Instincts can give you 3%, the Marksman talent Lethal Shots can give you 5%. The rest has to come from agility and crit rating. Agility converts at approximately 40 Agi=1% crit, and crit rating at approximately 22 crit rating=1% crit. So now that we’re making sure that we crit as often as we can, what do we do to maximize our buff? Agility, Agility, Agility. This is the one group buff that the hunter’s stats affect the buff, 25% of your agility is turned into attack power for everyone in the RAID. Yup, as well as being the only one that the hunter can increase the buff on, it’s also the only one that affects an entire raid. How? It’s actually a debuff on the mob, it will affect anyone attacking a mob with the debuff. Whether you’re grouped or not.
5-mans: because it only grants attack power, this one is heavily dependant on the group makeup. In a melee heavy group (feral druid, rogue, enh. shammy, warrior, ret pally, other hunters) it is great, but mages, warlocks, elem shammys, shadow priests, and boomkins gain nothing for their spells.
Raids: Potentially the biggest raid buff, plus grouping is relatively unimportant because this is actually a debuff on the mob rather than a buff on players. And the more physical damage dealers there are, the bigger the buff the raid gets.

Trueshot Aura: Requires 1 point in Scatter Shot, Requires 30 points in Marksmanship Talents
Tooltip at 1/1: Increases the Ranged and Melee Attack Power of party members within 45 yards by 125. Lasts 30 min.
I’m sorry, I mean no offence to any MM hunters, but you guys got shafted in the buff area. 125 AP. No help to the casters like BM, and it doesn’t scale off stats like Surv. 125 AP is approximately 9 “white” dps. For FI to beat the buff, the person needs to maintain only 300 dps, not very difficult at the raiding level. And a Surv hunter only needs 500 Agility to provide a 125 AP EW.
5-mans: about the same as a 500 Agi Surv hunter.
Raids: I’m not sure whether this one will affect all raid members or just the MM hunter’s party members. Whichever it is, don’t invite a MM hunter for the buff, invite them for the heavy hitting DPS that they can do, the buff is just icing on the cake.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Chain trapping videos-part 2

OK, now for the fun part of chain trapping. Doing it while farming. I was out by Toshley's Station farming ravager flesh and leveling my new kitten in this new vid. The things to notice in this one are the positioning and camera movement, I use the exact same techniques in the vid as I do in instances.


And I know, I was only using auto shot in this one, my poor kitty was only 64, I can't expect too much threat from her, so I had to lay off. On the good news, about 15 minutes after the vid, she dinged 65 :D

Chain trapping videos

OK, first off, I'd like to thank Big Red Kitty for giving me the idea of making videos and for the idea of trapping a raptor through Refugee Pointe.

In the first video, I'm running a raptor through Refugee Pointe. This video demonstrates the basics of trapping. I use distance and Concussive Shot to keep the raptor controlled between traps and to give my trap cooldown time. Another thing to notice is that while the raptor is trapped, I am firing Distractiing Shot at it. DS does not break the trap and rank 7 creates 900 threat per shot.


Hoped you liked it. Next one will be me farming ravagers around Toshley's Station while trapping a ravager.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Macros-Target types


So what is it you want to target? With the targetting ability of macros, you can cast a spell, use an ability, fire a shot, or whatever at a predefined target without changing what you are currently targetting. I touched on this briefly with my trapping entry. By assinging a mob as my focus (using /assign focus), I am able to target this mob with macros, without losing my target on the current DPS target.
For example:

/cast [target=focus] Distracting Shot

This would cast distracting shot at my focus target, while not causing me to lose whatever target I have. This does two things for me, it allows me to maintain threat on my assigned trap mob incase the healer lands the OMGWTFBBQ crit heal while my mob is going from one trap to the next, also lets me do it in a way that prevents me from accidentally launching an Auto Shot into the mob while it is currently trapped (yes, because Distracting shot causes no damage, it is safe to use on CC'ed mobs), and I can do it all without spending time targetting my trapped mob, firing the shot, then retargetting the dps mob. Not bad for a pair of macros.

And now for the various types of targets that you can use. No this is not going to be a complete list, these are the ones that I find useful and have used/are using.

[target=target] this one is only useful if you have a pet and it is attacking something that you aren't. Otherwise, this one is assumed if there is no target definition. /cast Steady Shot is the same as /cast [target=target] Steady Shot.

I personally haven't used this one but I thought I would mention it, it will target the last target, friendly or hostile, that you had.

Only time I use this is with Misdirection. Otherwise, everything else that I do to my pet is pet specific (Mend Pet, Feed Pet, etc.)

Just like it sounds, this will target your pet's target. I use it when grinding/farming with the command startattack, that way, when one mob goes down, unless I have a specific kill order in mind, I just this macro and I'm on the mob that my pet is building threat on.
/startattack [target=pettarget]

The CC target type. I already covered this one's use in that role. There are other ways to use focus but for me, focus makes chaintrapping so much easier and more effecient that I wouldn't want to tie up my focus target with anything else.

Yes, you can target something just by hovering your mouse over it. This is how my squishy saver macro works.
/petattack [target=mouseover]
/cast [pet=boar] Charge (this one is a conditional, not a target)
/cast Intimidation
So I just have to run my mouse over a mob that is thumping on my healer, hit the hotkey, my pet will go over and attack it, if my pett is a boar, it will charge over, and I will cast Intimidation. Once again, without changing my current target.
Just make sure you assign this macro to a hotkey, it won't work if you move your mouse to a hotbar to click it :p

Do you cast Misdirection on your tank alot? If so, this one is definately for you.
/cast [target=JoeSnuffy] Misdirection
It's another one of those that makes things like misdirection much quicker, no major mouse movement, one click/button press, and you're done, I like this when running instances so I can start as many fights with a misdirect onto the tank as I can efficiently. And this only takes a minute to redo for every time you get a new tank.

An exceellent example of this target type aiding you is The Curator in Kara, As a hunter, it is my job to burn down the Astral Flares as fast as possible. And by spamming this macro after I kill each Flare, targetting the next one is easy.
/target Astral
OK, I'm sure you noticed that 1) I changed the format, there's no {} or = in the target macro, and 2) what if you have a toon named Astral in the raid.
For #1, this format will cause you to switch you target completely.
For #2, you could use this format
/target [target=Astral Flare]
Also, starting in patch 2.3, you will be able to use [targetexact=xxx] if there is a possibility of the macro targetting a raid member instead of your desired target.

Monday, September 17, 2007

20 points that no DPS hunter can live without

OK, first off, this is only my opinion. NO I'm not going to give you a point by point breakdown on how these talents will affect you in situation x with gear y and against mob z. And just because I don't start every sentence off with "It's my opinion that....." just assume that it's there.

There are 3 talents in the marksman tree that are so good that no hunter DPS build should be without. Those three are Lethal Shots, Go for the Throat and Mortal Shots.
With 5/5 in Lethal shots you get 5% increase in critical strike chance with ranged weapons. That's a big increase and the only other talent that compares is Killer Instinct in the Survival tree, which requires 20 points in Survival to unlock and is only a 3 point talent. 5% more crits is essentially 5% more DPS by itself, and that not counting the bonus damage from Mortal Shots, but more on that later.
Go for the Throat is all for your pet, with 2/2 it gives your pet 50 focus every time you crit, and remember, you have that 5% increase in crits from Lethal shots, so your pet can pump out more DPS. This is of course assuming that your pet has either claw, gore, or scorpid poison to dump all that focus into. If your pet doesn't have one of these three, all that focus will probably go to waste.
And last but not least, Mortal Shots. This one increases you crit damage by 30% with 5/5.
Here's a bit of an example of the value of these talents. I'm just making up the numbers for damage as I go. Hunter A doesn't have any of these talents, he has 20% crit rating. He goes out, and over time, 1 in 5 shots crits for 1000 damage. Now that same hunter respecs and gets these three talents. goes back out and this time, 1 in 4 shots crit for 1300 AND his cat/ravager/scorpid/rapter/boar is launching claw/gore/scorpid poison attacks like crazy. Now lets look at the math. In 100 shots without these talents, our hunter gets 80 normal attacks for 500 damage each, 20 crits for 1000 damage each and his pet gets nothing extra. For a total of 60000 damage. With the talents he'll get 75 normal at 500, 25 crit at 1300, and his pet will have 1250 extra focus to DPS with. Total, without pet damage: 70000 damage. An increase of 16.7% in the hunters DPS. And i'm not going to bother with the increase in pet DPS because that would change depending on what pet you have.

What you use the other 7 (you have to get Aimed Shot to open up Mortal shots) is your option, there are a few good talents there that can help you depending on what you want/need.